The Forum Mission Statement
- Born out of the frustrations of many members who are concerned about current developments in the Church that impact negatively on its image, and exacerbated by a perceived unwillingness or inability by the leadership (Apostolate) to address the situation adequately, The Forum was established on 17 September 2009 to:
- Provide a platform for concerned and aggrieved members of the Old Apostolic Church who, in the absence of a democratic culture, feel that they have nowhere to turn to plead their case
- Act as a direct channel of communication to Head Office, a facility that is not provided for by the current constitution/statutes of the Church
- Be a watchdog over the interests of the powerless/unenfranchised masses of the Church
- Pending constitutional reform and administrative restructuring provide a forum for concerned members for the exchange of ideas and the coordination of actions aimed at securing the future of the Church, as well as devising programs for sustained growth and development.
- Without any intention of fostering a break-away, as had been the case so often in the past, or foment civil disobedience, The FORUM wishes to impress upon members (and officers) the gravity of and urgency for reform and restructuring of the administrative architecture of the Church. For not only is the current regime out of step with the deepening of a democratic culture in the country and the continent, but also increasingly poses a threat to peace and stability in the Church. This is not the way to invest in our youth (our future).
- The FORUM is also seized with the ideal of empowering congregations to take back from Head Office the responsibility of own affairs. A chain, it is said, is as strong as its weakest link. Old Apostolic congregations in economically disadvantaged areas count among the poorest and most destitute in the country. Therefore, by allowing congregations to take charge of its own affairs, they will be able to pull themselves (with dignity and self-respect) up by their own boot straps. Stronger congregations could make it their mission in life to assist the weaker ones. Out of touch, sophisticated Head Offices located in wealthy suburbs around the country is not the answer.
- In the absence of any signal from Head Office to deal with the scourge of racism in the Church, The FORUM is committed to meeting this challenge head-on. While great strides have been made by South African society in the regard since 1994, the Old Apostolic Church essentially is still home to apartheid-style edifice of three separate worlds (white, coloured and black), with no discernible prospect of allowing its members the unfettered opportunity to develop their own new social dispensation. In the year 2010, the Church is desperately in need of a leadership that serves the best interests of its members.
- Consequently, The FORUM invites all concerned members to accompany it on this intrepid mission to ensure the development of a sound administration for the Church, which should be a fitting tribute to the legacy of those great men and women who gave their all for the establishment and survival of this mighty institution. Membership is free and open to all.